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Lors de l'utilisation du plugin Architecture réseau (Archires), les seuls diagrammes que je réussi à faire afficher sont ceux que je cré dans "Architecture réseau - Lieu". Si j'utilise "Architecture réseau - Matériel réseau", "Architecture réseau - Applicatif" ou que j'ajoute un filtre additionnel comme, par exemple, un VLAN en particulier à "Architecture réseau - Lieu", je n'ai plus d'affichage.
J'ai donc activé le mode debug et vérifié le contenu des fichiers "sql-errors.log" et "php-erros.log". Les erreurs apparues dans le fichier "sql-errors.log" sont insérées à la fin de ce mail.
Ce que j'ai pu en comprendre, c'est que la requête SQL qui est construite par le code présent dans les fichiers "locationquery.class.php", "networkequipmentquery.class.php" et "appliancequery.class.php" ne fonctionne pas avec la version MYSQL que j'ai d'installée sur mon serveur. J'ai des doutes puisque dans certains cas il apparait deux conditions "WHERE" dans la même requête. La construction de ces requêtes se fait en boucle respectivement à partir des lignes
267, 190 et 211 pour chacun des fichier .class.php énumérés ci-haut.
Je joins une copie de ma configuration ici :
GLPI 0.84.6 ( => /var/www/html/glpi)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.32-431.23.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jul 31 17:20:51 UTC 2014 x86_64
PHP 5.3.3 apache2handler (Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, apache2handler, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, date, dom,
ereg, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, iconv, imap, json, ldap, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, mysql, mysqli,
openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, session, shmop, soap, sockets, sqlite3, standard, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc,
xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib)
Setup: max_execution_time="30" memory_limit="128M" post_max_size="8M" safe_mode="" session.save_handler="files"
Software: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) (Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Server at Port 443)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36
DBMS: Server Software: Source distribution
Server Version: 5.1.73
Parameters: glpiuser@localhost/glpidb
Host info: Localhost via UNIX socket
/media/Fichiers/glpi/config : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_dumps : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_sessions : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_cron : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_cache/ : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_graphs : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_lock : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_plugins : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_tmp : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_rss : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_uploads : OK
/media/Fichiers/glpi/files/_log : OK
htmLawed version 1.1.17 in (/media/Fichiers/glpi/lib/htmlawed)
phpCas version 1.3.2 in (/media/Fichiers/glpi/lib/phpcas)
PHPMailer version 5.2.1 in (/media/Fichiers/glpi/lib/phpmailer)
eZ Graph componnent installed : OK
Zend Framework version 2.0.5 in (/media/Fichiers/glpi/lib/Zend)
SimplePie version 1.3.1 in (/media/Fichiers/glpi/lib/simplepie)
LDAP directories
Mysql replicas
Not active
Way of sending emails: SMTP (
Mails receivers
Plugins list
addressing Name: Adressage IP Version: 2.1.0 State: Enabled
additionalalerts Name: Alertes supplémentaires Version: 1.6.0 State: Enabled
appliances Name: Applicatifs Version: 1.9.1 State: Enabled
webapplications Name: Applications Web Version: 1.9.0 State: Enabled
treeview Name: Arborescence Version: 1.6.2 State: Enabled
archires Name: Architectures réseau Version: 2.1.0 State: Enabled
financialreports Name: Arrêté du parc Version: 2.0.0 State: Enabled
badges Name: Badges Version: 1.9.0 State: Enabled
databases Name: Bases de données Version: 1.6.0 State: Enabled
ideabox Name: Boite à idées Version: 2.0.0 State: Enabled
positions Name: Cartographie Version: 4.0.0 State: Enabled
certificates Name: Certificats Version: 1.9.0 State: Enabled
shellcommands Name: Commandes Shell Version: 1.6.0 State: Enabled
behaviors Name: Comportements Version: 0.84 State: Enabled
accounts Name: Comptes Version: 1.9.0 State: Enabled
domains Name: Domaines Version: 1.6.0 State: Enabled
environment Name: Environnement Version: 1.7.0 State: Enabled
fusioninventory Name: FusionInventory Version: 0.84+2.0 State: Enabled
racks Name: Gestion de baies Version: 1.4.0 State: Enabled
manufacturersimports Name: Imports fabricants Version: 1.6.0 State: Enabled
datainjection Name: Injection de fichiers Version: 2.3.1 State: Enabled
monitoring Name: Monitoring Version: 0.84+1.0 State: Enabled
projet Name: Projets Version: 1.4.0 State: Enabled
reports Name: Rapports Version: 1.7.0 State: Enabled
resources Name: Ressources humaines Version: 2.0.1 State: Enabled
backups Name: Sauvegardes Version: 1.5.0 State: Not installed
webservices Name: Services Web Version: 1.4 State: Enabled
routetables Name: Tables de Routage Version: 1.5.0 State: Enabled
A copier/coller lors d'une demande d'assistance
Erreurs pour requête "Architecture réseau - Lieu" avec la sélection d'un VLAN en particulier.
2014-08-07 09:09:37
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT `glpi_computers`.`id` AS idc, `np`.`id`, `np`.`items_id`, `np`.`logical_number`, `np`.`instantiation_type`,
`glpi_ipaddresses`.`name` AS ip, `glpi_ipnetworks`.`netmask`,
`np`.`name` AS namep , `glpi_computers`.`name`,
AS `type`,
`glpi_computers`.`users_id`, `glpi_computers`.`groups_id`, `glpi_computers`.`contact`,
`glpi_computers`.`states_id`, `glpi_computers`.`entities_id`,
FROM `glpi_networkports` np
LEFT JOIN `glpi_networkportethernets`
ON `glpi_networkportethernets`.`networkports_id` = `np`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `glpi_networknames`
ON (`glpi_networknames`.`itemtype` = \'NetworkPort\'
AND `np`.`id` = `glpi_networknames`.`items_id`)
LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses`
ON (`glpi_ipaddresses`.`itemtype` = \'NetworkName\'
AND `glpi_networknames`.`id` = `glpi_ipaddresses`.`items_id`)
LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks`
ON `glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks`.`ipaddresses_id` = `glpi_ipaddresses`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipnetworks`
ON `glpi_ipnetworks`.`id` = `glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks`.`ipnetworks_id`
LEFT JOIN `glpi_computers`
ON (`np`.`items_id` = `glpi_computers`.`id`
AND `glpi_computers`.`is_deleted` = \'0\'
AND `glpi_computers`.`is_template` = \'0\')
, `glpi_networkports_vlans` nv
LEFT JOIN `glpi_locations` lc
ON `lc`.`id` = `glpi_computers`.`locations_id`
WHERE `np`.`instantiation_type` = \'NetworkPortEthernet\'
AND `np`.`itemtype` = \'Computer\' AND `nv`.`networkports_id` = `np`.`id`
AND `vlans_id` = \'31\' AND `glpi_computers`.`groups_id` = \'35\' AND `lc`.`id` = `glpi_computers`.`locations_id`ORDER BY `glpi_ipaddresses`.`name` ASC
Error: Unknown column 'glpi_computers.locations_id' in 'on clause'
Backtrace :
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/locationquery.class.php :347 DBmysql->query()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :623 PluginArchiresLocationQuery->Query()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :572 PluginArchiresPrototype->createGraph()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :707 PluginArchiresPrototype::displayGraph()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/inc/commonglpi.class.php :284 PluginArchiresPrototype::displayTabContentForItem()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/ajax/common.tabs.php :71 CommonGLPI::displayStandardTab()
2014-08-07 09:09:37
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT `glpi_printers`.`id` AS idc, `np`.`id`, `np`.`items_id`, `np`.`logical_number`, `np`.`instantiation_type`,
`glpi_ipaddresses`.`name` AS ip, `glpi_ipnetworks`.`netmask`,
`np`.`name` AS namep , `glpi_printers`.`name`,
AS `type`,
`glpi_printers`.`users_id`, `glpi_printers`.`groups_id`, `glpi_printers`.`contact`,
`glpi_printers`.`states_id`, `glpi_printers`.`entities_id`,
FROM `glpi_networkports` np
LEFT JOIN `glpi_networkportethernets`
ON `glpi_networkportethernets`.`networkports_id` = `np`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `glpi_networknames`
ON (`glpi_networknames`.`itemtype` = \'NetworkPort\'
AND `np`.`id` = `glpi_networknames`.`items_id`)
LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses`
ON (`glpi_ipaddresses`.`itemtype` = \'NetworkName\'
AND `glpi_networknames`.`id` = `glpi_ipaddresses`.`items_id`)
LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks`
ON `glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks`.`ipaddresses_id` = `glpi_ipaddresses`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipnetworks`
ON `glpi_ipnetworks`.`id` = `glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks`.`ipnetworks_id`
LEFT JOIN `glpi_printers`
ON (`np`.`items_id` = `glpi_printers`.`id`
AND `glpi_printers`.`is_deleted` = \'0\'
AND `glpi_printers`.`is_template` = \'0\')
, `glpi_networkports_vlans` nv
LEFT JOIN `glpi_locations` lc
ON `lc`.`id` = `glpi_printers`.`locations_id`
WHERE `np`.`instantiation_type` = \'NetworkPortEthernet\'
AND `np`.`itemtype` = \'Printer\' AND `nv`.`networkports_id` = `np`.`id`
AND `vlans_id` = \'31\' AND `glpi_printers`.`groups_id` = \'35\' AND `lc`.`id` = `glpi_printers`.`locations_id`ORDER BY `glpi_ipaddresses`.`name` ASC
Error: Unknown column 'glpi_printers.locations_id' in 'on clause'
Backtrace :
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/locationquery.class.php :347 DBmysql->query()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :623 PluginArchiresLocationQuery->Query()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :572 PluginArchiresPrototype->createGraph()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :707 PluginArchiresPrototype::displayGraph()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/inc/commonglpi.class.php :284 PluginArchiresPrototype::displayTabContentForItem()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/ajax/common.tabs.php :71 CommonGLPI::displayStandardTab()
et ça continu pour chaque type d'équipement ...
Erreurs pour requête "Architecture réseau - Applicatif": Deux conditions "WHERE"dans la même requête.
2014-08-07 10:24:48
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT `glpi_computers`.`id` AS idc, `np`.`id`, `np`.`items_id`, `np`.`logical_number`, `np`.`instantiation_type`,
`glpi_ipaddresses`.`name` AS ip, `ipn`.`netmask`, `np`.`name` AS namep , `glpi_computers`.`name`,
AS `type`,
`glpi_computers`.`users_id`, `glpi_computers`.`groups_id`, `glpi_computers`.`contact`,
`glpi_computers`.`states_id`, `glpi_computers`.`entities_id`,
FROM `glpi_networkports` np,
`glpi_ipnetworks` AS ipn
LEFT JOIN `glpi_networknames`
ON (`glpi_networknames`.`itemtype` = \'NetworkPort\'
AND `glpi_networkports`.`id` = `glpi_networknames`.`items_id`)
LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses`
ON (`glpi_ipaddresses`.`itemtype` = \'NetworkName\'
AND `glpi_networknames`.`id` = `glpi_ipaddresses`.`items_id`)
WHERE `glpi_networkports`.`instantiation_type` = \'NetworkPortEthernet\' , `glpi_plugin_appliances_appliances_items` app
WHERE `np`.`itemtype` = \'Computer\'
AND `np`.`items_id` = `glpi_computers`.`id`
AND `app`.`items_id` = `glpi_computers`.`id`
AND `glpi_computers`.`is_deleted` = \'0\'
AND `glpi_computers`.`is_template` = \'0\' AND `glpi_computers`.`networks_id` = \'2\' AND `app`.`plugin_appliances_appliances_id` = \'10\'
AND `app`.`itemtype` = \'Computer\' AND `glpi_computers`.`computertypes_id`
IN (0 ,\'1\' ,\'2\' ,\'3\' ,\'4\' ,\'5\' ,\'6\' ,\'7\' ,\'8\' ,\'9\' ,\'10\' ,\'11\' ,\'12\' ,\'13\' ,\'14\' ,\'15\' ,\'16\' ,\'17\' ,\'18\' ,\'19\' ,\'20\' ,\'21\' ,\'22\' ,\'23\' ) ORDER BY `glpi_ipaddresses`.`name` ASC
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' `glpi_plugin_appliances_appliances_items` app
WHERE `np`.`it' at line 17
Backtrace :
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/appliancequery.class.php :269 DBmysql->query()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :631 PluginArchiresApplianceQuery->Query()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :572 PluginArchiresPrototype->createGraph()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :707 PluginArchiresPrototype::displayGraph()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/inc/commonglpi.class.php :284 PluginArchiresPrototype::displayTabContentForItem()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/ajax/common.tabs.php :71 CommonGLPI::displayStandardTab()
2014-08-07 10:24:48
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT `glpi_printers`.`id` AS idc, `np`.`id`, `np`.`items_id`, `np`.`logical_number`, `np`.`instantiation_type`,
`glpi_ipaddresses`.`name` AS ip, `ipn`.`netmask`, `np`.`name` AS namep , `glpi_printers`.`name`,
AS `type`,
`glpi_printers`.`users_id`, `glpi_printers`.`groups_id`, `glpi_printers`.`contact`,
`glpi_printers`.`states_id`, `glpi_printers`.`entities_id`,
FROM `glpi_networkports` np,
`glpi_ipnetworks` AS ipn
LEFT JOIN `glpi_networknames`
ON (`glpi_networknames`.`itemtype` = \'NetworkPort\'
AND `glpi_networkports`.`id` = `glpi_networknames`.`items_id`)
LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses`
ON (`glpi_ipaddresses`.`itemtype` = \'NetworkName\'
AND `glpi_networknames`.`id` = `glpi_ipaddresses`.`items_id`)
WHERE `glpi_networkports`.`instantiation_type` = \'NetworkPortEthernet\' , `glpi_plugin_appliances_appliances_items` app
WHERE `np`.`itemtype` = \'Printer\'
AND `np`.`items_id` = `glpi_printers`.`id`
AND `app`.`items_id` = `glpi_printers`.`id`
AND `glpi_printers`.`is_deleted` = \'0\'
AND `glpi_printers`.`is_template` = \'0\' AND `glpi_printers`.`networks_id` = \'2\' AND `app`.`plugin_appliances_appliances_id` = \'10\'
AND `app`.`itemtype` = \'Printer\' ORDER BY `glpi_ipaddresses`.`name` ASC
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' `glpi_plugin_appliances_appliances_items` app
WHERE `np`.`it' at line 17
Backtrace :
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/appliancequery.class.php :269 DBmysql->query()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :631 PluginArchiresApplianceQuery->Query()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :572 PluginArchiresPrototype->createGraph()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/plugins/archires/inc/prototype.class.php :707 PluginArchiresPrototype::displayGraph()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/inc/commonglpi.class.php :284 PluginArchiresPrototype::displayTabContentForItem()
/media/Fichiers/glpi/ajax/common.tabs.php :71 CommonGLPI::displayStandardTab()
et ça continu pour chaque type d'équipement ...
Last edited by cora1261 (2014-08-07 19:07:02)
Pages: 1