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Good Morning at all,
i have got this problem.This is my environment:
GLPI version 0.84.5
OCS inventory Ver. 2.1
The server where i install the software is my computer with Windows 7
Apache 2.2
i install all the software without a problem, but when i tried to enable LDAP extensions i received an error with Apache.
I'll explain :
I navigate in my file system : C:\xampp\php\php.ini and i delete the semicolon in front of the string : extension=php_ldap.dll, but when i try to restart the service Apache, i get an error : Error 1067 and my GLPI stops to work.
I read a lot of topics where they talk about of more php.ini file but in my file system there is only one php.ini. In my interface of GLPI i have the same message :The LDAP extension for the PHP interpreter is not installed.
Do I change another stuff?
I hope that someone can help me!
Thank you
i resolve the problem!
Il faut ajouter au path de la machine (système) le chemin de php "c:\xampp\php"
=> sous xp : panneau de config/ systeme / propriété onglet avance / variabnles d'env \ variables systeme / recherche path / modifier / ajouter à la fin de la ligne ;c:\xampp\php
=> sous winsrv 2008 R3 / panneau de config / propriétyé avancées systeme / parametre systeme avance / variables d'env ....
J'ai testé sous Win XP seulement et ca marche ..!
Merci !
Ça a marché pour moi sous 2008 R2 standard.
GLPI 9.2.2 / Windows server 2012 / IIS / VSphere // Plugins : FusionInventory 9.2+1.0 / Gestion d'objets 2.5.0