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#1 2024-04-11 21:39:37

Registered: 2024-04-11
Posts: 1

Bug Information for GLPI (Data Deletion)

Hello, good afternoon to whom it may concern,

I would like to report a data deletion issue in the GLPI database when closing any ticket. However, firstly, I would like to clarify that we work with plugins (such as Fields) to customize according to the company's demands. Nonetheless, we are not certain whether the issue lies with the Fields plugin or with GLPI itself. What happens is that in the custom fields we set up for data entry to adapt to our business plan, aiming to provide more precise and personalized reports as required by our directors, we have observed that some data is missing from the final report. Upon investigation, we have identified that when tickets are closed, either automatically or manually, the data from the custom fields managed by the Fields plugin is deleted, except for numerical data.

We would like to know if this BUG is recognized, and if so, if there is a known fix for it. Otherwise, we would appreciate assistance in identifying whether the issue lies in the code or the plugins, so that we can report it to the community for a prompt resolution. If I haven't been clear, I am available to demonstrate the error in practice remotely or by any other means.

Understanding the complexity of this issue, we await your response for either assistance or a solution, and we are available to contribute within our capabilities.

Thank you and best regards.


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