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#1 2022-04-26 00:41:46

Registered: 2022-04-25
Posts: 29

How to remove fields from genericobject plugins?

can you help me to remove or HIDE the "Technician in charge of the hardware", "Name" and "Group in charge of the hardware" field? I tried to comment but it didn't work. Am I in the right file?

file inside in glpi/marketplace/genericobject/fields => field.constant.php

$GO_FIELDS['groups_id_tech']['name']       = __("Group in charge of the hardware");
$GO_FIELDS['groups_id_tech']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';
$GO_FIELDS['groups_id_tech']['condition']  = ['is_assign' => 1];

$GO_FIELDS['users_id_tech']['name']       = __("Technician in charge of the hardware");
$GO_FIELDS['users_id_tech']['input_type'] = 'dropdown';

$GO_FIELDS['name']['name']       = __("Name");
$GO_FIELDS['name']['field']      = 'name';
$GO_FIELDS['name']['input_type'] = 'text';
$GO_FIELDS['name']['autoname']   = true;


#2 2022-04-27 14:04:44

Registered: 2022-04-25
Posts: 29

Re: How to remove fields from genericobject plugins?

after a lot of searching I found out that it is possible to delete the columns from the database, as a result the columns could not be used.


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