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#1 2008-11-07 11:27:04

Registered: 2007-12-04
Posts: 4

Linking glpi users with glpi phones, is it possible ?

Is it possible to link multiples glpi users with a glpi phone ? I want to choose the phone of a glpi user from the list of glpi phones. A user may have a phone or not. A phone may be assigned to diferent users. Currently a user may have only one phone at most. Is it possible to get this extra functionality with a plugin ?

Thanks in advance.

J. Carlos

Last edited by jcromero (2008-11-07 12:38:34)


#2 2008-11-12 13:21:16

Registered: 2008-02-29
Posts: 15

Re: Linking glpi users with glpi phones, is it possible ?

Hi jcromero.

It depends what do you want to use it for.
For most cases Groups would solve it. Create a group - add some users as members. Than assign the phone to this group as well. All people in the group would be now connected with the phone, it will show in their items, they could post tickets for it etc.

Does that help?


#3 2008-11-12 16:10:36

Registered: 2008-11-12
Posts: 10

Re: Linking glpi users with glpi phones, is it possible ?

When you say they can post tickets for it, do you mean it will show up in the "My Devices" list? 

I'm trying to do this for a computer lab.  I want multiple people to be able to submit tickets for the computers in the lab.  I created a group for the lab and assigned the computers to that group.  I added a user to that also.  When the user (post-only user) logs in, the computers don't show up in the "My Devices" list.


#4 2008-11-12 16:22:03

Registered: 2008-11-12
Posts: 10

Re: Linking glpi users with glpi phones, is it possible ?

Disregard my comment/question.  I just found the option in the profile setup options to do what I need.


#5 2008-11-12 17:38:24

Registered: 2008-02-29
Posts: 15

Re: Linking glpi users with glpi phones, is it possible ?

Yup, as you probably found out, you can select the options to show only personal items, or the group items as well :-), or all items.


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