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#1 2008-10-20 16:11:56

From: Germany
Registered: 2007-06-28
Posts: 367

Overview of the field linked_action in glpi_history

Is there any documentation of the different meanings of the digits used in the linked_action field in glpi_history table, what I got so far is that '2' is a ram change', '3' is a deleted component, '4' is software that has been installed and '5' is software that has been uninstalled. Is there any source where I can get information about the other numbers meanings ? Reason for this is, that I would like to query such changes out of the history and send email notifications when certain changes apply.

RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 ES 32Bit x86
PHP 5.1.6 -- Apache 2.2.3
MySQL 5.0.45  --  GLPI 0.72.4 -- OCS 1.32 -- Home brewed MS CM import script


#2 2009-01-11 02:20:20

GLPI - Lead
Registered: 2004-09-13
Posts: 9,180

Re: Overview of the field linked_action in glpi_history

The API doc is here :

JMD / Jean-Mathieu Doléans - - Association Indepnet
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