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How does one change the mySQL database security so you can connect to the GLPI database?
I currently use the following so I may make ODBC connection:
> sudo su
> kill `cat /var/run/mysqld/`
> mysqld --skip-grant-tables &
Linux (Ubuntu-Gutsy Server 7.10) Apache2, Mysql-server-5, Php5
GLPI 0.70.2
The rest shouldn't matter, as I know I am able to make a connection provided I grant table access.
Just don't wish to issue it each time.
Sorry, i don't understand what is your problem.
GLPI doesn't use ODBC.
Dév. Fedora 29 - PHP 5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4 - MariaDB 10.3 - GLPI master
Certifié ITILv3 - RPM pour Fedora, RHEL et CentOS sur
I use ODBC to connect to the mysql database which hosts GLPI.
Just wondering if anyone knows how to change the security on MySQL so I wouldn't provide the above commands when I make an ODBC connection.
I am using Access/Excel to make presentation reports with your live data, through an ODBC connection to your MySQL Database.
I don't understand why you need to use this command.
You must configure ODBC to provide login/password for the DB.
Not a GLPI problem.
Dév. Fedora 29 - PHP 5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4 - MariaDB 10.3 - GLPI master
Certifié ITILv3 - RPM pour Fedora, RHEL et CentOS sur
You are correct it is not a GLPI problem, Ill move my question to a mysql forum. sorry.
Just wondering if anyone else has tried to do the same
We love your product, and its very useful.
thank you...
figured it out: I used MySQL Administrator connected as root, changed my schema privileges.
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