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#1 2014-12-06 10:47:31

Registered: 2012-09-25
Posts: 20

GLPI notifications and escalation

Good day, our ICT department has a GLPI 0.85 recently upgraded. Everything works fine, but we want to make the system do the following.
When a ticket is close to the due date/time (let say 20% of the time is left) we want the system to notify the technician about the time and also his boss.
I have been trying a number of things with rules, SLA and notifications, but I cant get it done. Can any one help me or give me a few links to read?
Thank you


#2 2014-12-11 18:31:45

Registered: 2012-09-25
Posts: 20

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

I have got this answer somewhere else:

Benoit Le Rohellec

Project Manager GLPI at Teclib' - Paris

GLPI comes with an automatic action called 'slatickets'.
This automatic action scans not solved tickets, associated to an SLA, and executes the actions you defined in the SLA.
This automatic action then sends a notification called 'Ticket recall' to who you want (event 'automatic reminders of SLA').
First, you have to define the actions to undertake : in the SLA, add an escalation level defined by due date -/+ x days/hours/minutes. Then add one or more criterion based on ticket content (eg : category is ...). Then add one or more action. In your case, action will be 'Send Automatic reminders of SLA'. Don't forget to activate the escalation level.
Second, activate the notification I mentionned, and define recipients.
Third, activate the automatic action, and run it at high frequency, automatically with a cron.
Hope it helps,

and this one … p?id=37847

And I have done this:
Home >Setup >Notifications > Notifications: Notification - ID 95   
Name sladuedate Notification
Active Yes
Type    Ticket
Notification method    mail
Event    Automatic reminders of SLAs
Notification template    sladuedate

The template is this:
Home >Setup >Notifications > Notification temp...Name sladuedate
Type    Ticket
Language English (US)
Subject: Hello, sla time is almost over for ticket
Email text body: Please attend ticket before it's due time.

Then I went to SLA and created the following SLA:
Home >Setup >SLA  SLA - ID 11   
Name        TEST   
Last update    04-07-2014 16:26
Calendar    24/7
Maximum time to solve    20 Minutes

    Name                           Execution          Active
    SLA due date reminder    - 10 minutes    Yes

Criterion    Condition    Reason
Status    is            Processing (assigned)

Fields                                    Action type    Value
Automatic reminders of SLA    Send    Yes

Second escalation:   
sla due date not met    Due date    Yes

Criterion    Condition    Reason
Status    is            Processing (assigned)

Fields                                   Action type    Value
Automatic reminders of SLA    Send    Yes

That is what I have done and it does not work. When I create a ticket I ONLY receive the first message about ticket creation.
Am I missing something?


#3 2014-12-11 19:26:40

Registered: 2012-09-25
Posts: 20

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

I forgot, this is the automatic action:
Home >Setup >Automatic actions
Automatic action - ID 17   
Name    slaticket   
Description    Automatic actions of SLA
Run frequency    5 minutes
Status    Scheduled
Run mode    GLPI
Run period     0 -> 24

what am I doing wrong?
I have also changed the run mode to CLI and it does not work aether.
Thank you


#4 2014-12-19 11:23:02

From: Sillery (51)
Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 15,278

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

With GLPI mode, you must have navigation in GLPI to activate automatic action

CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6  - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version


#5 2014-12-20 11:58:50

Registered: 2012-09-25
Posts: 20

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

yllen wrote:

With GLPI mode, you must have navigation in GLPI to activate automatic action

Thank you for answering Yllen, I really appreciate it.

We have users browsing 24/7. But I have tested the CLI option also with the cron script and it does not work for us aether.

Actually I think that my slaticket automated task are 'working' but the process get's stuck. Yesterday I have put it to run every 2 hours because I thought it was that the time that it was running was to short and I found that is in state 'running' (2) even since. I have checked the logs and the table in the DB and it's still running with no outcome since yesterday.
What do you think can cause that?
Here the possible causes that I think might be the cause of this:

Our DB has around 700 MB of information, inside the system there are aroung 1.3 GB in documents (uderstand Doc, pcis, pdf, exel, zip, etc), around 100 000 tickets and we user inventory and other functionalities.

The server is a VM using Debian 7 with 4 GB of RAM and 2 cores. I have also installed Zend opcache, and it works apparently fine.

We just upgraded to version 0.85, We have started trying to make this functionality work NOW after the upgrade. It was not being used before.

Any opinion?

Thank you very much for your help.

Last edited by abel.aguzmans (2014-12-20 12:36:12)


#6 2014-12-20 12:27:30

Registered: 2012-09-25
Posts: 20

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Additional, I know is not completely correct what I have done, but I am close to have something working. I am just posting this for you to know that I am really trying to make this work for us, but just cant find a solution that works for us. I have made my own script that is able to send the e-mails. I though none was going to answer and I am working with deadlines that I cant break. I have posted on the users mailing list without results, the developers list, etc. I know we are many user and there are not as many developers. I understand you do not have time to answer everything. I just had a situation that I could not wait long. ANY WAY I prefer to have the internal functionality.

My script kind of works even when it consumes a lot of processor, I can run it something like 2 or 3 times a day during not very busy hours. The problem of making this is that I really do not know the way that GLPI was developed and then maintenance over time is not sustainable. We need the internal functionality to work it would be much more convenient for us.

What I did is that I read from the DB and then use the internal phpmailer to send the e-mails. but the query is painfully time-resources consumer. it take like 5 minutes to execute. this is the query that I am currently running to the GLPI DB:

SELECT,, t.date_mod, t.status, t.users_id_recipient, t.slas_id, sl.execution_time, t.due_date,, t.content, tku.users_id
FROM glpi_tickets t
JOIN glpi_slas s ON = t.slas_id
JOIN glpi_slalevels sl ON = sl.slas_id
JOIN glpi_tickets_users tku ON tku.users_id =
t.closedate IS NULL 
OR t.solvedate IS NULL
AND t.is_deleted =0
FROM abel_mail_sent
WHERE abel_mail_sent.ticket_id =

abel_mail_sent is my own table, again i know GLPI should store this already some where, but I just have not much time. This query is the DRAGON of resources, I can probably improve it a little bit by replacing the where statement and instead of close and solve date put the ticket status. But this is just provisional until the internal functionality works for me.
Then I have put it to run periodically with cron.

And that is it.
Thank you in advanced for any cooperation.

Last edited by abel.aguzmans (2014-12-20 12:28:32)


#7 2014-12-20 18:29:30

From: Sillery (51)
Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 15,278

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

What is the version of GLPI used?

CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6  - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version


#8 2014-12-20 18:58:23

Registered: 2012-09-25
Posts: 20

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

yllen wrote:

What is the version of GLPI used?

I just upgraded from version .83 to .85.

The upgrade went apparently fine, no error no big issues.

Last edited by abel.aguzmans (2014-12-20 19:05:40)


#9 2014-12-20 20:46:05

From: Sillery (51)
Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 15,278

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

When you create a ticket, its status is New.
You have create an SLA based on status Assigned.

CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6  - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version


#10 2014-12-20 22:24:55

Registered: 2012-09-25
Posts: 20

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

yllen wrote:

When you create a ticket, its status is New.
You have create an SLA based on status Assigned.


I know that I said I want GLPI to escalate automatically when the task is still Assigned.
First Normally you create a 'New' ticket. Then the ticket is assign to someone.
What I want is that if the due date is very close and you still have the ticket in status 'Assigned'. Then GLPI then should escalate the ticket and send automated messages to a few people.

Something like: If (ticket status = Assigned) and (time left of the SLA is smaller than 8 hours)
Then  send a message to the technician and to the boss.

For the record this are just tests.

Now the problem that I think I have is that i can not get GLPI to do that automated task properly. check this image out

If you see the 'running' next the the red arrow its being there for more than 24 hours and the logs say it has not run since I have created the SLA escalation: this escalation
The slaticket never stops. It is always in status running in the DB unless I stop it manually and then it starts running again on time, but it never finishes again.

Check out the logs: logs

The rest of the things seem to be normal. May be the size of the DB has something to do?
e-mail system is working properly. and I receive messages when a new ticket is created. There is notification for the slaticket, etc.

Last edited by abel.aguzmans (2014-12-20 22:45:05)


#11 2014-12-21 16:20:04

From: Sillery (51)
Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 15,278

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Your automatic task is in GLPI mode, so you must have actions done in GLPI to activate it.
To have regular automatic task, use CLI mode and create a cron.

CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6  - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version


#12 2014-12-21 20:29:50

Registered: 2012-09-25
Posts: 20

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Hi, thank you for trying to help.
I have been playing the whole day with the CLI and also trying to execute the task manually and slaticket remains 'running' and never ends.

I have a cron task and it's already running and it works for other tasks if they are in CLI mode.

Last edited by abel.aguzmans (2014-12-21 20:46:18)


#13 2017-08-04 18:10:03

Registered: 2016-11-10
Posts: 9

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Hello! I have the same problem following your settings. Have you managed to solve it? Could you post what you did? As I see in your image you did not perform the Action. To execute the action for the first time you must click on the X next to RUNNING, but I believe that you have already done this.

Last edited by renatolazaroch (2017-08-04 18:10:41)


#14 2017-08-04 20:56:06

Registered: 2017-07-26
Posts: 69

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

I have setup SLA and it sends sla reminder
10 mins before the due time and another notification when due date is over. I think the 10 min reminder is initiated by the event ticket update and not by sla reminder event.
If you need further info. I will explain you step by step.
I did it on GLPI 9.1.6
Let me know


#15 2017-08-09 16:18:19

From: Sillery (51)
Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 15,278

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Post the definition of your SLA and its SLT levels

CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6  - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version


#16 2017-08-14 20:21:08

Registered: 2016-11-10
Posts: 9

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Hello! One thing I came across that GLPI only has a notification template for SLA. What is bad. In fact, it would be interesting if you had two notifications, one for warning when the ticket reaches 20% to expire and the ones involved are notified to the applicant, technical group, manager, Coordinator, etc. And the other notice for tickets due due to the expiration date. Why, it is very confusing for the user to receive the notification, that is, the intention is to have a clear and objective notification and to anticipate the expiration of the call and the other for the customer to know that the call won. Would you like the development to create this notification?

Last edited by renatolazaroch (2017-08-14 20:22:22)


#17 2017-08-15 09:46:05

Registered: 2017-07-26
Posts: 69

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Dear Yellen ,
following is my SLA and SLT

then i have defined SLTS under this SLA like below


Then i have defined the Escalation Matrix like below


Now whenever a ticket is assigned ( by Business rule ) to the SLT Critical , i get a notification before 10 minutes of due time. ie Due time is 1 Hr and i get a notification @ 50th min. ( this notification you will receive only if UPDATE ticket notification is on ) then one more notification i receive when due time is over ie at 1 hr. ( you have to create an SLA Reminder notification for this ).
for me , i feel update ticket event needs to be tweaked more , right now update ticket event fires multiple notifications with one event. even in the case of SLA , a reminder is sent twice when the due time is over. as SLA reminder notification is also on.
please share your thoughts on this.

i wanted to ask you a question about SLA , is it possible for the technician to delete a SLA assigned to a ticket?

Last edited by Roshan (2017-08-15 09:47:09)


#18 2017-08-16 09:50:07

From: Sillery (51)
Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 15,278

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

When you change something in the ticket, event Update is activated, so notifications on it too. And your business rule change the ticket, so it's OK. The Update event is spam factory...

For your question, it's depends of technician rights. If your technician can update a ticket he can also delete SLA. Sla rights are only for SLA, not for link between SLA and ticket

CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6  - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version


#19 2017-08-16 10:46:14

Registered: 2017-07-26
Posts: 69

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Dear Yellen ,
Thank you . i think you can set 2 SLA reminder notifications one before SLA due date and one at the event of SLT time to resolve.
so you can disable update of ticket event. i checked it yesterday and it works fine.
now i am in a fix regarding SLA removal by technician. as i need to give them rights to update tickets ( sometimes a ticket needed to be assigned to some one else in the dept. )
any workaround for this?


#20 2017-08-16 11:58:48

From: Sillery (51)
Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 15,278

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Try to give right  to assign ticket and not to update it

CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6  - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version


#21 2017-08-18 21:08:43

Registered: 2016-11-10
Posts: 9

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Hello, Roshan!

The GLPI only has an Automatic actions of SLA that is SLATICKET and this action only has a TICKET RECALL notification, ie for a ticket to win with 20% and a ticket due date you will receive the same notification by email. This for the applicant is not good, because he will not understand very well what it is. Ideally, you have 2 notifications for SLA warning to expire and one warning when SLA wins with different notification templates. Because this is very important for both the client and the manager.


#22 2017-08-18 21:15:17

Registered: 2016-11-10
Posts: 9

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

Hello, yllen.

When you remove the permission of a profile to not update the ticket the user can not change the information and change category, because for N1 it is routine to handle the ticket and update it. This would not be feasible.

Last edited by renatolazaroch (2017-08-18 21:16:43)


#23 2017-08-24 17:44:15

From: Sillery (51)
Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 15,278

Re: GLPI notifications and escalation

If a technician can update a ticket he can change all fields of this ticket

CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6  - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version


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