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#1 2006-11-27 14:52:45

Registered: 2006-11-27
Posts: 4

Configuration of Groups with LDAP/AD

A very nice pice of software, some troubles about LDAP/AD. I've got a Windows XAMPP Installation with OCS-NG against a w2k AD.

I've spent hours searching to resolve AD group integration in GLPI but it doesn't works (I've looked all posts in forums french and english but there is no clear response about the matter) someone can please tell me the right configuration?

In Administration > Configuration > Authentifications externes I have

Hote Ldap =
Ldap Port = 389
Basedn = DC=Mydomain,DC=it
rootdn = CN=QueryUser,DC=Mydomain,DC=it
Pass = ****
Filtre de connexion = (objectClass=user)
Champ de login = sAMAccountName
Utiliser = TLS Non

Type de recherche = Utilitisateurs & groupes
Attribut utilisateur indiquant ses groupes = memberof
Filtre pour la recherche dans les groupes = blank
Attribut des groupes contenant les utilisateurs = blank
realname = sn
firstname = givenName
location = physicaldeliveryofficename
email = userprincipalname
phone = telephoneNumber
phone2 = blank
mobile = blank

At this point user authentication works using the trick posted at this link

In Administration > Groupes I have added a Test Group

Nom  = Test (I think I can put everything in here It'is just a description. Is it right?
Attribut utilisateur indiquant ses groupes = memberof
Valeur LDAP = CN=Test,OU=Test,DC=mydomain,DC=it
DN du groupe = CN=Test,OU=Test,DC=mydomain,DC=it

I've tried various combinations (LDAP blank and DN valorized and many others) but no one works. User is authenticated but not associated with the right group. By the way I've not understand if the values are or not case sensitive (sAMAccountName or givenName for example).


#2 2006-11-28 18:06:32

Registered: 2006-11-28
Posts: 16

Re: Configuration of Groups with LDAP/AD

Hi Lupo Alberto!
I've got the same problem with the groups sad 
I hope that somebody can help us !

Good Luck!


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